ARLB.lha (MorphOS) Readme History

A small MUI app to display the HighScores of AmigaRacer from Michael St. Neitzel/
I did this, because the second and the third track are swapped in the webpage of the highscores and I wanted to have the highscores in a small window next to the AmigaRacer window.
Use the cycle button or press the car or the track image to show the next track's highscores!

Just copy the whole directory whereever you want.

Here is a preview:

ARLB track

Have fun with it, and if you have some ideas/bug reports send it to ARLB(at)igracki(dot)de.

If you like this tool and/or if you want to donate some money to motivate me, feel free to send me any amount you like via PayPal (send "as a friend" so I don't have to pay fees!)!
2.54 MB, v1.0, 25.12.17