A small shell program to retrieve some usefull information about a file or directory.
Usage: FileInfo File,ALL/S,N=Name/S,FN=FullName/S,RN=RootName/S,FRN=FullRootName/S,RNX=RootNameX/N,FRNX=FullRootNameX/N,
File | the name of a file or directory whos information are shown |
ALL/S | show all available information |
N=Name/S | show only the filename w/o the path |
FN=FullName/S | the full name |
RN=RootName/S | the filename w/o the suffix and w/o the path |
FRN=FullRootName/S | the filename w/o the suffix but with the path |
RNX=RootNameX/N | the filename w/o X suffixes and w/o the path |
FRNX=FullRootNameX/N | the filename w/o X suffixes but with the path |
X=Suffix/S | the suffix of the filename |
PD=ParentDir/S | return the name of the parent directory |
S=Size/S | the size of the file or dir (all files within the dir, recursive!) |
SC=SizeC/S | a compact size representation of the file or dir (all files within the dir, recursive!), f.e. 383MB |
FC=FileCount/S | the number of files in a directory, returns 1 for files |
C=Comment/S | the comment |
D=Date/S | the date |
T=Time/S | the time |
P=ProtBits/S | the protection bits |
MP=MatchPattern/K | checks if the specified pattern matches the filename specified by 'File' arguement.
The filename doesn't have to exist. Use NAME to check only the filepart.
'Quiet' is also supported |
MCS=MatchCaseSens/S | the pattern check will be case sensitive |
LF=AppendLF/S | append a linefeed at the end, its automatically used if QUIET is NOT set! |
Q=Quiet/S | just show the wanted information, no headers, no linefeeds (see LF=AppendLF/S option) |
HELP/S | show this little help page |
If you only specify a filename, all available informations are shown!
If you specify no argument, this help is shown.
You can also specify more then one argument, they will be printed line by line.
I programmed it to have a "Parent Dir" entry in Ambients contextmenu for a short-cut icon on the desktop.
Here is a example for the MimeType internal/x-morphos-globalaction-file.
Have fun with it, and if you have some ideas/bug reports send it to