yWeather.lha (MorphOS) Readme History |
This sbar module, shows the current weather informations for a selected location. You will see a small image representing the current weather condition, the temperature and a text describing the condition. I use the weather information from OpenWeatherMap
If you move the mouse over the sbar and wait some seconds, a bubble pops up,
showing all available weather informations.
You can change the location in the Screenbar-Settings (right click on the screen-depth
gadget, then choose "Settings"). Then click on "Your!Weather" in the left list.
Then click in City-ID string gadget and enter your location, f.e. "Berlin,DE".
After a successfull retrieving of weather infos, the ID is used!
You can also change the unit of the temperature to Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin, if you want the wind speed in m/s, the text color, the text format and the update rate how often the weather informations should be trieved (in seconds). Installation:
Here is a screenshot of the settings:
Have fun with it, and if you have some ideas/bug reports send it to yWeather(at)igracki(dot)de.
If you like this screenbar module and/or if you want to donate some money to motivate me, feel free to
send me any amount you like via PayPal (send "as a friend" so I don't have to pay fees!)!
235.651 Bytes, v1.21, 11.03.19 ,Downloaded: |